Baby photography - Things I should keep in mind

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Is Photography safe for babies?

It is natural to ask yourself some of these questions. If you are expecting your first child you would have seen by now, a ton of images of sleepy babies, in funny positions in baskets or hanging from swaddles. These types of images are best to be created in the safety of a professional studio as they are the product of several images put together. Lifestyle photography is a natural and safe way to capture moments with your newborn baby, in the comfort of your home. In my work I use natural light, avoiding harsh light like flash and LED lights.

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Is one month too old for newborn photos?

No way! Your baby is still little! One-month-old babies might not be as flexible as newborns, but by this time, they will start smiling and they are able to follow your voice. This is a great time to capture their expressions, and the best part is that you are probably a bit more settled in a routine by now, and hopefully not as stressed as when your first brought your bub home.

What is the best lighting for newborn photography?

This is a hard question to answer. For me above light, it’s emotion and what’s happening in my scene that matters most. Cloudy days tend to work best when shooting outdoors and near windows when doing lifestyle family photography sessions at home. The clouds act as a diffuser and provide even light to faces without the harshness of midday light on a sunny day that will make everyone squint.

How to find a Newborn Photographer for your family

Not all photographers are made equal. If you are looking for a photographer to be able to capture your family as it changes, here are a few tips to keep in mind when doing your research.

  • Always look for a variety of images and if possible ask to view an entire session. This is a great way to gauge the variety of work during the constraints of time and place. Every family is different and every home is also different. A talented photographer is one that is able to come away with beautiful images full of emotion and storytelling, even if the settings are not perfect.

  • Keep safety in mind. When looking through the portfolio, take note of any risky setups like a baby hanging on his own, or how the head is supported. To me, safety is number one, and I avoid risky situations.

  • Look for a professional that is well-rounded. If I had my babies again, I would look for a photographer that has a strong portfolio with babies and toddlers, not only newborns. Chances are that one day you will find yourself with a toddler and a newborn baby. These times in life can be tricky and hard to navigate. Someone that is able to bring out emotions on a toddler while photographing them with their newborn sibling, will be most likely very talented when having to photograph only one baby.

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I hope that through this guide I have been able to answer some of the questions you might have in the lead up to your session. Come and have a look at what a lifestyle session looks like here: